News / Articles

Polyversum OD is a new liquid formulation. Polyversum OD offers groundbreaking efficacy ...

Biopreparaty presented biologically treated crops in the fields ...

New registration of our products Polygandron WP, Polygandron TTP, Polygandron STP ...

This is a huge achievement as far as we are concerned because the world needs more ...

New registration of our product Polyversum WP in Belgium. Watch short video ...

Great News!! In addition to some very positive changes to our Czech and Slovak labels ...

Our partner OSEVA UNI provides seed dressing based on Certification of KEZ, o.p.s.

We obtain a proposal to extend the registration list in Czech Republic from Czech ...

The conference Prosperous oilseeds 2011 was held in the area of the Czech University ...

This is our certificate which meas that we are the firm of the year 2011 in Central ...
FANTASTIC NEWS!! Pythium oligandrum M1 has been re-approved for as many as 15 years.
This is a huge achievement as far as we are concerned because the world needs more biological solutions such as this one.Thank you to all our partners and associates for the continuous support and trust in us and our products.
High Level Seminar on regulatory measures needed to fast track biocontrol use - Thursday, 13 October 2022, 14.00-16.00 hours:
High-Level Seminar hosted by Mr Martin Hlaváček, MEP The EU Farm to Fork Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products Regulation (SUR) finally focuses on biological control and questions such as how to achieve fast-track biocontrol authorisation including microbials. This High-Level Seminar also explores what regulatory measures are needed to fast-track biocontrol use.In support of more biological Plant Protection solutions being introduced and used in the EU, our CEO Martin Suchanek took part in a High Level EP seminar to highlight pitfalls that SME’s such as us have to overcome when registering or renewing biological Plant Protection substances.