Foliar Application 
-Application of the preparation (aqueous solution) to above-ground parts of plants.
Dosage according to crop type.
Mode of action: mycoparasitism, induction of resistance, growth stimulation.
Empty sachet of Polyversum into a clean, thoroughly rinsed, 20 litre container (see pictorial instruction below). Add 10 to 20 litres of clean water into the container. Stir the container content well and allow to stand for 20-30 minutes, then stir once more. This suspension must be applied no later than 10 hours after the first mixing of Polyversum with water. Pour the container content directly into the sprayer tank. The preparation may contain particles up to 350 μm in size. Use 365 μm filters (blue) in the sprayer. In the case of tank mixes, the concentrates are not mixed together but the products are poured into the sprayer tank separately, Polyversum suspension being the last. After use, rinse the application equipment with clean water that can then be poured out on to any plant growth, e.g. grass area.
see pictorial instruction below:
Root dipping and drenching/seedling treatment
-The seedlings root system is dipped in the suspension immediately before the planting. Alternatively, plateaux with seedlings may be drench with 0.05% suspension with a spraying container.
Mode of action: mycoparasitism, induction of resistance, growth stimulation.
Preparing the application suspension: The content of the package is poured into a clean container of a suitable volume and then dissolved in pure water at the rate of 1g per 2l of water (0.05%). The temperature of water must not exceed 35 °C, otherwise the efficiency of the active substance would be significantly reduced.
The prepared suspension and the suspension for the final application must be used by 10 hours from the moment when the product is dissolved in water.
Help table for 0.05 % solution preparation
Water (l) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Product (g) | 0,5 | 1,0 | 1,5 | 2,0 | 2,5 | 3,0 | 3,5 | 4,0 | 4,5 | 5,0 |
Seed / bulbs/ tubers dressing
Mode of action: mycoparasitism, induction of resistance, growth stimulation.
- Dry seed treatment - seeds are treated by mixing in with product.
Dosage according to the crop type
- Wet seed treatment- application by seed wetting. You can use all the common types of dressers.
Dosage according to the crop type
Seed treatment by wet application.
The registered dose is 0.5-1 kg of product per a tonne of seed. This volume must be properly mixed in 5-10 l of clean water and the suspension is to be applied within two hours by spraying onto seeds. To mix, use clean tap or other source water that must not exceed 35 °C in temperature. The container for preparing the treatment suspension must be properly washed beforehand and must not contain residues of fungicides or other chemicals. The seed treater must also be completely clean. The above determined seed treatment method can be performed using all common types of treating devices. After use, the container for preparation of the suspension and the seed treater can be washed out and rinsed with clean water that can be disposed of by pouring into the regular drainage network.
-Treatment of already emerged plants using an irrigation system or a watering can - the number of applications is not limited.
Mode of action: mycoparasitism, induction of resistance, growth stimulation.
Dosage: usually 0.05% of suspension at approximately 14-day intervals