product: Polyversum
Crop/sphere of use:
field: grapewine, strawberry, tomato, pepper, eggplants, green beans (Botrytis cinerea), leafy vegetable and fresh spices (Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotinia spp.), cucumber, courgette (Botrytis cinerea, Sphaeroteca fusca)
minor uses: stem vegetables, ornamental plants (Botrytis cinerea), family Solanaceae, family Cucurbitaceae, green beans (Sclerotinia spp)
fields: Stem vegetagles, Ornamental plants – Botrytis cinerea; Fam Solanaceae (tomatoes, pepper, eggplant), Fam. Cucurbitaceae (cucumbers, zucchini), Green beans - Sclerotinia spp.
distributor: UPL